What is the 10-year Watershed Plan (2020-2029)?

The GPA Board created a 10-year WBMP (Watershed-Based Management Plan), in consultation with water-quality scientists and other consultants, that establishes water-quality goals, identifies important improvements within the Georges Pond watershed, and outlines a detailed plan for protecting the pond for the long term.

See the full GPA Watershed-Based Management Plan here!

Why is this important?

The WBMP maps out three main actions and associated projects to be completed over the next decade:

Steps from the WBMP:

  • Consistent monitoring of Georges Pond's water quality.

  • Reduce the amount of phosphorus already within the pond.

  • Reduce the amount of phosphorous flowing into the pond each year from properties and roads.

By steadily implementing this ambitious plan, the GPA will be able to document how we’re progressing in our restoration efforts. The GPA will share these findings with GPA members, Friends of the Pond, and grant funders, who look for evidence of specific accomplishments made over time.

How you can help

  • Educate yourself and help educate others, including your renters, about BMPs (best management practices).

  • Request a LakeSmart survey of your property; commit to ongoing implementation of BMPs as a property owner.

  • Participate in your Road Association; work with neighbors to identify ways to minimize stormwater runoff into the pond.